Please contact us if you have questions about the resources below or if you need additional resources.
Call our voicemail at: 858-432-3238
Español / English and
English Contact
Cora Shahid
Find Your SELPA
Special Education Local Plan Area is one or more districts forming geographic regions of sufficient size and scope approved by the California Department of Education to provide a comprehensive range of special education programs and services for students.
- Imperial County SELPA | Imperial County Office of Education (
San Diego
- East County East County SELPA (
619-590-3920 - North Coastal Consortium Home (
760-307-1486 - North Inland North Inland Special Education Local Plan Area (
760-788-4671 - South County South County SELPA (
619-470-5224 - Poway Unified Poway Unified – Special Education (
858-521-2822 - San Diego Unified Special Education – San Diego Unified School District
Download a Map of all of the SELPAs in San Diego
Learn more about SELPAs
What is the CAC?
Your Voice is Important! Joining the CAC gives you a “voice at the table” to make a difference in special education programs and services.
Ask your district or SELPA when the next meeting is so that you can save the date or ask a CARES staff member, we can help you too.
The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) gives families an opportunity to share information and to support each other in their efforts as parents and educators of children with special needs. The CAC educates parents and increases parental awareness of special education programs, related services, community resources, and educational issues. The purpose of the CAC is to promote quality educational programs and services for individuals with disabilities and their families. The CAC is a local committee composed of parents, educators and agency partners who are involved with special education. The CAC is a participant in the development, amendment, and review of the Local Plan for Special Education.
Regional Center
San Diego Regional Center (San Diego and Imperial County)
To serve and empower persons with developmental disabilities and their families to achieve their goals with community partners.
SDRC | San Diego Regional Center
Parent Training and Information Center
Team of Advocates for Special Kids (TASK)
TASK specializes in special education support for people with disabilities from birth to age 26 and their families. We support all disabilities, including mental illness, chronic health and medical conditions, and emotional challenges due to abuse or environmental trauma. In the area of assistive technology (AT), we serve all ages, including adults, and help families explore ways to use AT to promote learning, communication, and independence.
Voice: 7145338275
Fax: 7145332533
Toll Free: 8668288275
Family Resource Center
Exceptional Family Resource Center (Serves San Diego and Imperial County)
The mission of the Exceptional Family Resource Center (EFRC) is to provide support, information and education for families of children with disabilities and the professionals who assist these families. By offering emotional support and factual information, EFRC enables families to help their children reach their fullest potential.
Exceptional Family Resource Center (
(619) 594-7416 / (760) 355-0147
Family Resource Centers Network of California
With 47 Early Start Family Resource Centers across California, parents and caregivers can get connected to one-on-one assistance, coaching, mentoring, and other early start services so they can make sure their child has what they need to grow and thrive.
Rady’s Children’s Hospital Department of Developmental Services
Rady Children’s Health Services Developmental and Behavioral Services offers programs that identify, evaluate and treat children with developmental delays, disabilities and injuries.
Developmental Services (
Evaluation Clinic: 858-966-5817
Screening & Enhancement Program: 858-966-7874
Department of Rehabilitation
The California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) works in partnership with consumers and other stakeholders to provide services and advocacy resulting in employment, independent living, and equality for individuals with disabilities.
Find the office nearest to you: CA Department of Rehabilitation
CA Department of Rehabilitation
Head Start / Early Head Start
Head Start and Early Head Start provides quality early childhood education and comprehensive family support services to low-income and at-risk families in San Diego County. Families with pregnant women and/or children ages 0-5 years are encouraged to apply.
Imperial County
- Head Start Application | Imperial County Office of Education ( (English)
- Early Head Start | Imperial County Office of Education ( (Spanish)
San Diego
- Please contact CARES to help you find the Head Start near you. or 858-432-3238
Priority factors Priority application/referral points are issued for the following:
- Poverty
- Child has an active IEP/IFSP
- Family receiving TANF/SSI
- CWS referred
- CWS out-of-home or declared a dependent of the court
- Homeless, as defined by McKinney-Vento Act
Early Head Start/Head Start offers comprehensive services for children and their families:
- Quality centers and home based programs
- Support services for children with special needs
- Developmental screenings
- Health and nutrition monitoring
- Parent Involvement Opportunities
Women with Infants and Children (WIC)
WIC can help you maintain a healthy pregnancy and ensure a strong start for your child up to age 5.
San Diego WIC | Women, Infants & Children
First 5
First 5 promotes the health and well-being of young children during their most critical years of development, from the prenatal stage through five years of age. Our goal is to help ensure that every child enters school ready to succeed.
First 5 San Diego First 5 San Diego – The First 5 Years Make a Difference
First 5 ImperialICCFFC Home Page (
CCS is a statewide program that provides funding for treatment of children with certain physical limitations and chronic health conditions or diseases. CCS also authorizes and pays for specific medical services and equipment provided by CCS-approved specialists. If you or your child’s doctor believes that your child might have a CCS-eligible medical condition, the program may pay for or provide a medical evaluation to determine if your child’s condition is covered.
If your child is eligible, CCS may pay for or provide:
- Treatment, hospital and surgical care, laboratory tests, X-rays, orthopedic appliances, and medical equipment
- Medical case management to secure treatment from special doctors and care for your child when medically necessary, and referrals to other agencies, including Public Health Nursing and regional centers
- Medical Therapy Program services, which provides physical therapy and/or occupational therapy in public schools
How to apply How to Apply (
For more information, call 619-528-4000 or email
Children and youth with disabilities are at increased risk for justice system involvement. Youth with disabilities are over-represented in the justice system and often do not receive the special education and health services they are entitled to. Juvenile Justice Commission | Superior Court of California – County of San Diego
Special Needs Resource Foundation of San Diego
Special Needs Resource Foundation of San Diego’s mission is to help parents and advocates in the special needs community overcome challenges of the family’s journey by bringing together people, information and resources.
Special Needs Resource Foundation of San Diego website:
Special Needs Foundation of San Diego (
San Diego County Resources from Special Needs Resource Foundation
Resources In San Diego | Special Needs Resource Foundation of San Diego
Imperial County Resources from Special Needs Resource Foundation
Resources In San Diego | Special Needs Resource Foundation of San Diego
Our Mission | Special Needs Resource Foundation of San Diego
Phone: 619-685-6970
The Arc of San Diego
The Arc of San Diego believes community integration provides the best environment for people with disabilities to learn practical skills and develop interpersonal relationships.
Arc of San Diego (