Hands & Voices Headquarters (H&V HQ)
The Hands & Voices Story
Hands & Voices :: The Hands & Voices Story (handsandvoices.org)
Hands & Voices Deaf and Hard of Hearing Plus (DHH Plus) Webpage
Hands & Voices – DHH + (handsandvoices.org)
California Hands & Voices (CA H&V) 2012 to Present
California Hands & Voices’ Story, Mission & Vision
History, Mission, and Vision – California Hands & Voices (cahandsandvoices.org)
California Hands & Voices – Approved for ASTra 2019 to Present
The Hands & Voices ASTra program is designed to empower parents, promote self-advocacy of children with hearing loss, and build collaboration between families and professionals. Our ASTra program can provide resources, workshops, and individualized support pertaining to the needs of your child with a hearing loss.
Visit California Hands & Voices Chapter website for local support
ASTra – California Hands & Voices (cahandsandvoices.org)
Visit Hands & Voices Headquarters Website for more information and resources
Hands & Voices (handsandvoices.org)
California Hands & Voices Awarded OSEP Funding 2021-Present
CA H&V Community, Advocacy, Resources, Empowerment, Support Program Established
Approximately 40-60% Deaf and Hard of Hearing children have an additional disability under IDEA. (Gallaudet Research Institute Research 2005). At CARES CPRC we expand our services to empower families raising children with a wide range of disabilities from birth to 26 years old in San Diego and Imperial County. We expanded to better serve the community by providing enhancements and expansions to our current programs and services by expanding our services to include the wide range of disabilities in San Diego and Imperial County.
Families need assistance, in their native language, in understanding how to navigate the systems that serve their children, including special education. Spanish is the most frequently spoken language after English so CA H&V CARES CPRC will provide all of our training and materials in both Spanish and English.
Many families can feel overwhelmed raising a child with a disability and CARES CPRC is ready to provide strategies to help parents, youth and professionals address them together.
We are committed to providing innovative services.
CARES CPRC Mission (English)
California Hands & Voices’ CPRC, CARES (Community, Advocacy, Resources, Empowerment Support), is dedicated to empowering families with children and young adults with disabilities in a respectful and non-judgmental manner. Our goal is to build the capacity of families and people with disabilities from birth to age 26 to help them navigate the special education and other service systems. We are parent-driven and provide families with the resources, networks, and information to prepare them for the challenges of raising a child with disabilities. Our outreach activities, parent/professional collaboration, and advocacy efforts are focused on enabling children and young adults to be effective self-advocates prepared to lead productive, independent adult lives to the maximum extent possible.
ES CPRC Misión:(Spanish)
El Centro Comunitario de Recursos para Padres (CPRC, por sus siglas en inglés) de California Hands & Voices, CARES (Comunidad, Abogacía, Recursos, Empoderamiento, Suporte), se dedica a empoderar a las familias con niños y adultos jóvenes con discapacidades de una manera respetuosa y sin prejuicios. Nuestra meta es desarrollar la capacidad de las familias y las personas con discapacidades desde el nacimiento hasta los 26 años para ayudarlos a navegar la educación especial y otros sistemas de servicios. Estamos guiados por padres y brindamos a las familias los recursos, las redes y la información para prepararlos para los desafíos de criar a un niño con discapacidades. Nuestro alcance comunitario, colaboración entre padres y profesionales, y esfuerzos de defensa se centran en permitir que los niños y adultos jóvenes sean auto defensores y que esten preparados para llevar una vida adulta productiva e independiente en la mayor medida posible.